Saturday, March 20, 2010

If I had 20 wishes...

If I had 20 wishes, I would wish for/to/that...

20. Buy as many songs as I'm allowed to on iTunes
19. An average of more than 92% for the next few report cards.
18. Go to Houston, New York, France, England, and Italy.
17. The ability to read other people's minds.
16. A smaller and pimple-free nose. xD (If you haven't noticed, my nose is red and hugee)
15. Suddenly be smart in math.
14. Publish my own book.
13. All my cousins, aunts, and uncles to move to Canada.
12. A MacBook and an IPhone
My own line of clothing. (I'll call it Tina Tona Teeni, a.k.a. T x3

.A $1000 shopping spree. (and buy mainly Hollister and TNA)

9. Stop child labour, poverty, global warming, and wars forever
8. All my Kennedy friends to move and go to SAM.
7. Be in a music video. (an official one, not a homemade one.)

6. Go to a party with Taylor Lautner, Taylor Swift, Sydney Crosby, Marianas Trench, Avril Lavigne, Lady Gaga, and Justin Bieber.
5. Go back in time and re-live memories. (especially grade 6)

4. Go to the Justin Bieber concert instead of going to China. (or at least for not that long.)
3. A part-time successful singer, (or at least be able to sing) a quarter-time lawyer, and quarter-time author when I grow up.
2. Date Justin Bieber for eternity ♥♥♥ :D
1. Wish for 30 more wishes :D

Yes, yes, I know I'm very greedy, but they're wishes, so I guess it doesn't matter :D
To those haters: No, number 2 isn't a waste of a wish, so fermez ta bouche. :)


  1. LOL, i like number 20 (: and...HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU????? your nose is NOT big. HAHA, I posted number 5 on my blog. your post is a little like mine. but, of course, better :D I'll help on number 11. And bring me to number 6! I also like humber 1, smart choice!

  2. Yea... bring me to number 6 aswell!!! I'd die to see all of those awesome people, except for you know Justin BEAVER!!!! LOL

  3. nonono. if you hate justin BIEBER, you may not go >=D LOL jksjksjks
    LOL yea. blog topic-INSPIRED by PHOEBE :D
    yea, but i ONLY want to relive grade 6, and definately NOT grade 4. :P

  4. well first im just gonna say...
    omgomgomgomgomgomgomg did a rocker chick came and take over your blog caz it looks like it tho
    and if number 6 turns real.......invite me;]
    so anyway............look up......hahahhaha
